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People enjoy hunting for a variety of reasons – love of nature, the opportunity to participate in a sporting activity with others, and the chance to “get away from it all.” We know many hunters and outdoor enthusiasts would welcome the opportunity to help others gain the same satisfaction that comes from hunting excursions.
SSF has a variety of opportunities to allow you to support our mission of providing outdoor activities for persons with disabilities. We have been fortunate to gain the support of dozens of area businesses and hundreds of individual hunters. Since 2004, more than 200 people have participated in hunting excursions organized by the Southern Sportsmen Foundation.
The foundation also seeks to provide scholarships for secondary education for students who plan to enter any field associated with the foundation’s activities. Students entering the fields of forestry, veterinary medicine, biology, zoology or other related disciplines are eligible, and your donations help make these scholarships possible.
SSF is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization and contributions are tax-deductible.
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Please contact us today to learn about other ways you can be part of the SSF mission and help share the outdoors!